A couple years back, I turned my phone on silent and turned off notifications for most of the apps. Now it stays on silent unless I'm expecting a call. I check my email and social media whenever I think of it. It's been an amazing break from all the constant nonsense and noise.

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It's not quite as immersive as your experience, but I did something similar in the mid aughts. I had recently separated from the Navy and decided to take a survival class in Northern AZ, which was a couple of months long. Off-grid, far enough from Flagstaff to not get cell reception (at the time), water had to be trucked in.

It took a few days, but once I adjusted, I really started to enjoy the pace of that that existence. No alarm clocks, no emails, no set schedule besides when the instructor was ready to teach. We learned friction fires and shelter building, tanned our own deer hides, and made tools from obsidian that was natural to the area.

During the frantic nature of our capitalist lifestyle of overconsumption, I really miss that time.

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Oh I love that you did that. My husband did one of those off-grid survival classes too and loved it. I'd almost like to do something like that every once in awhile just as a reset.

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