Elizabeth! I'm so glad you are writing about this issue! I have had the privilege to work (minimally) with some experts in Oregon and Portland and know that our public health and emergency management services agencies have resources for people on how to get started:
Awesome, thank you so much for sharing these Eva! Portland is doing so much for emergency management, especially around community resilience. These are great resources!
Elizabeth! I'm so glad you are writing about this issue! I have had the privilege to work (minimally) with some experts in Oregon and Portland and know that our public health and emergency management services agencies have resources for people on how to get started:
https://www.oregon.gov/OEM/hazardsprep/Pages/default.aspx (Links to getting started with the 2 week plan and more)
https://www.publicalerts.org/get-ready (Step by step guides to making plans, gathering supplies and including the whole family)
Awesome, thank you so much for sharing these Eva! Portland is doing so much for emergency management, especially around community resilience. These are great resources!