This week’s episode is short and sweet and here for you to start wrapping your mind around what it means to be prepared. This is week’s episode is all based on Week 1 of our preparedness series.
If you want to refer back to anything that we talked about, you can find the resources there!
Don’t make the perfect the enemy of the good.
Additionally, each week, we’ll offer you specific action items to take that week. This week it’s more about thinking about preparedness. Here’s the list of action items we noted (and we make it even easier with our printable workbook!).
Brainstorm the types of disasters that might be most common in your area? Prompts on page 2 of the workbook
Think through what utilities might be affected in a disaster? Prompts on page 2 of workbook
Brainstorm your essentials vs. wants. Prompts on page 3 of workbook
Think about what supply lines are essential for your health and safety. Prompts on page 4 of workbook
Start thinking a little bit about an evacuation plan. Prompts on page 4 of workbook
As always, let us know if you have questions you’d like us to address in the podcast. You can write us at or comment below.
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